I am currently enrolled at the NYU School of Professional Studies in their certificate program to become a certified Life Coach. I have not been in a class room setting in…….let’s just say a really long time! Initially I truly didn’t know what to expect, the first required course is Foundations of Coaching which met Tues. & Thurs. from 9:30am to 5:30pm. That is one long-ass day to be in class!  I found being in a classroom setting to be somewhat overwhelming. We had a 21 page syllabus, 4 different text books, writing assignments and grades I mean it was serious. One thing that particularly struck me was the diversity of the students in my class. The class was culturally diverse, with ages ranging from the mid 20’s to the mid 50’s and for half the class English was not their first language.  It sill amazes me that even later in life students tend to sit at the back of the classroom and NOBODY wants to volunteer to go first, except yours truly of course. I’ve got 2 years to complete my courses to qualify for my certificate. I highly recommend this program, I researched other programs and there are A LOT out there from “do-it-yourselfers” to buying a series of video tapes. And I learned a lot about myself, how I listen, how I may talk a little too much and how my mind is more clearly open to understand that EVERYONE has the potential to succeed! And as the heading of my blog states I did get an A, so now it’s on to my electives and master classes.